i'm currently lvling my boomkin (he's 44). i have noticed hurricane costs a RIDICUOUS amount of mana (with the mana cost i don't even see a use for it at all??)....that being said..with starfall being on a long-ish timer....how are we supposed to AE in pve well?
secondly, am i going to stand a chance in pvp at 85?
Not a great chance to be high end pvp most likely. Fun in BG's though. As for AoE Get your DoT's up on all the mobs and the glyph that makes starsurge lower Starfalls CD. Don't Hurricane unless you have a ton of mobs...well literally probably closer to 10 tons guessing the weight of Pixals is hard though.
either stick to single target - or just tab-DoT everything in sight :)
mushrooms are worth using if there are enough mobs in a small radius, and should become a little more practical next patch.
what is the point of hurricane then? bleh, i really like the spell.
get my dots up on all the mobs? wouldnt it be easier to just single target each one down and just not even bother with ae?
it's often wiser to single target mobs down, unless your tank and healer are geared enough to survive the full pack beating on them for an extended duration.
Tab-DoTing will generate a LOT of damage however, far more than single target.
hurricane seems more an 'emergency AoE' - for those times a pack really needs to be AoEd down fast and you can't afford the time dots tke to get going, or the setup time of mushrooms.
Easier is not the way to highest dps. You want easy just run in circles Moonfire spamming. At 85 you can use Shrooms for some additional dps.
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