A possible solution to the threat problem could be to add a glyph to the game: Glyph of Pulverize. It would be a prime glyph and it could simply make pulverize not consume lacerate but make it do 25% less damage or something.
This would make the lacerate dot have a higher uptime and due to that, we would get more mangle refreshes and average maybe 10 more mangles per fight.
It would also give us an ability that would hit slightly harder than lacerate to spam when everything is on cooldown(with max vengeance my lacerates hit for like 2200 while pulverize hits for 6k with a 3 stack of lacerate). Without adding some sort of downside of the glyph our damage might go up too much which is why I think either adding a cooldown or damage reduction would be necessary.
Just a thought. What do you guys think?
I think your idea is bad. One global more of Lacerate > 9% crit? I don't think so.
Not to mention, that 9% crit helps Savage Defense as well, and that we REALLY don't need anything to help with the "threat issues". Threat is fine.
Sorry I didnt make it clear. You would still gain the pulverize buff.
What would be the point though? You miss one global cool down on Lacerate when you remove it. One extra global is not really worth a prime glyph slot that also reduces the damage of yet another attack.
Does not pass the salt test. We'd be able to just stack lacerate to 3, and then maul, pulverize, pulverise, mangle, maul, pulverise, pulverise, maul, oh, have to refresh the lacerate stack, mangle pulverise..... It would be spamming one spell over and over again. From a design stand point, it makes the rotation too easy and just a button mashing contest which on top of things allows us to keep more rage for maul which is a rage dump and could then become a hit on cooldown.
how is that any more spammy than our rotation now? mangle lacerate to 3 pulverize to keep the buff up and spam lacerate/thrash?
instead of spamming lacerate and thrash you end up spamming pulverize. although i suppose keeping the buff up gives us something to do and this would eliminate it.
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