Monday, April 16, 2012

Tauren or Worgen?

I'm going to make a druid for PvP, feral and resto probably, but I am torn between Tauren or Worgen. I like how they both look (could care less about racials). I'm leaning towards Tauren since I only have a max level Alliance, and maybe want to try Horde. Worgen on the other hand just look so damn tempting. Opinions?

how can we give you opinions when you state that all that matters is how they look?

if that's the case it's a purely subjective decision, but mostly down to which faction you want to try.

If it's aesthetic, go with Tauren. Their casting animations are great, versus Worgen which can be pretty doofy. Furthermore, trying out a new faction is fun. Not only are the quests new, but just seeing the other faction's models frequently and up close is interesting.
I for one feel Worgen are more animated than Tauren.

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