So I'm still not sure if Wild Growth work like this, can't really test it myself in the chaos of battle.
My question is does Wild Growth heal every party members for X amount over 7 seconds or X amount total divide between party members? Can someone confirm? Thanks.
X amount per target over 7 seconds.
You could just cast it and add it up!
I try casting it on myself but I only get like 7k heal like description said? Though I'm full health so I'm not sure.
In the tooltips it say target who is most injured get prioritized, so if there's only one person injure and the rest is full health, does that mean then he get 25khp heal? I don't get what they mean by prioritized. If it's X amount per target, shouldn't it be always X amount per target? Any expert restore Druid know the answer? Thanks.
It heals for the amount on the tooltip on each individual target it hits. "Prioritizes" means that if there are 20 people for it to target, it will hit the 6 (5 if not glyphed) targets with the lowest HP out of those 20. So if it hits 6 targets, the total healing it does is x * 6, where x is the tooltip number.
What the tooltip is indicating is that Wild Growth will heal ANY target it lands on for that 7k. Whoever has the least amount of health (percentage or numerical based?) receives the 7k heal over people who are at say 99% health. It will still heal any given target for the 7k that you see it heal for. Hitting multiple targets of course means that the 7k heal is on multiple targets so multiply 7k by the number of targets you hit to get your total Wild Growth healing calculated.
Oh ok, it meant prioritized toward a party of more than 5 people. Thxs :).
It is X amount per target, not the total split between the targets. The heal that splits the total between the targets is Efflorvescence. Wild Growth is a smart heal, so it will naturally pick the people who have the least amount of health in relation to where you are, and it always casts it on 5 people, 6 if you are glyphed. So yeah, if you cast it on that 1 person with low HP but everyone else around them has full HP, then yeah its all overhealing on the others.
Best way I can think to practice this. In Halls of Origination, on Anraphet before you engage him, he casts that AoE ability that kills all the adds in the room and knocks your entire party to 30-40% HP. Cast a quick Wild Growth on them, you will notice that each person ticks for the same amount every second.
Likely they could probably reword it better to say something like "x amount per target for 7 seconds" but oh well.
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