Thursday, April 19, 2012

Possible solution to mobility nerf?

I know posting this here will guarantee it to not be seen by devs, but here's my $0.02:


Or more specifically, mana cost. If powershifting out of lockdowns is truely OP, then perhaps a reasonable solution is to limit the amount of times it can be done. It wasn't much of an issue back in vanilla and TBC because it cost so darn much to shift.

Speaking from a feral point of view, four or five shifts per encounter should be more than enough, so make it 20-25% of total mana. Resto and boomkin don't require quite the high mobility as ferals do, so the flat mana cost shouldn't hit them as hard.

It would put the class back in line with what it used to be when I first picked a druid to play. What are your thoughts on such an idea?

Sidenote: I'm not a pvp'er, so I may not fully grasp that side of things.
millions of solutions have been made in alternative.

The Devs didn't want to hear an ounce of it.
Now you're talking crazy.

Feral shifting was removed so that Wild Mushrooms would get used.

"Rooted, again. Mushroom. Mushroooom. Mushroooooooooooooooooooom. Pop!"

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