i have this druid level 60 when i try to kill somebody in warsong glutch i cant it seems impossible while cat form or any other form can somebody tell me wich is the best way or spells i can take damage im tired that i cant gain honor points but people kepp on saying druids are a godd class so what so you people think?
I can see only your "balance" gear, but from that: you are mostly in greens, many of them still from the old world (pre-BC) and badly itemized (some feral, some balance items). You don't even have a 2nd trinket and REALLY bad rings.
Your opponents are probably wearing heirlooms. You lose. Heirlooms destroyed low-level PvP unless you wear them too.
Also, your feral spec is weird, looks like you simply put 1 point into every talent. You're not using any glyphs. None of your items are enchanted.
What did you expect? That you can simply hop into a BG wearing quest greens, without putting any thought into your spec and own? Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
Under the level cap, there are definitely a lot of weird imbalances. That is for dam sure. At level cap, resto make great healers. Feral do a lot of damage but leave a bit to be desired in the utility and mobility department which also makes em prime targets for CC. Moonkins also do a good amount of damage but are considered somewhat squishy.
Truth to be told, for the arenas I have done, and the ones I have heard over Ventrilo, feral and balance druids quite often don't live too long...
If you took any class of any spec into any form of PvP with that kind of gear/spec errors/omissions you are going to be steamrolled. You would still be getting crushed if they allowed you into the 40s brackets at your level.
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