Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cata Raids: Where's The Loot?

[:1]On the topic of resto (and to some extent, balance): where's the loot?

I've run the numbers -- resto druids have 6 (six) boss drop items in the current raids. I've exactly one of these leather caster pieces drop in two months of raiding, along with a plethora of melee DPS and plate gear. I understand gearing up the tanks for the next wave of raiding, but what about the healers that wear leather? Where's the loot?
Dear Pruppets

Loot that can be used by a resto druid hmm

Resto druids have a piece for each slot from the current raid bosses. I'm sure that your luck is just to blame. RNG loot is RNG. One week u get everything, the next you get nothing. Have you ever had those "hunter runs"

I suggest you just keep on raiding. Get the pieces of loot that dont require you to kill bosses
(3 Pieces of tier, belt, boots, ring *thats 6-18 pieces*) maybe put some effort into the two trinkets (archy and DMF).
We sharded a bunch of resto druid gear cause we don't have a boomie or druid that can use it.

On the other hand, our resto shammy has gotten real bad luck with drops, getting almost none of her PvE gear from drops which we know exist, but didn't drop for her.

Such is luck. Blizzard thinks this is good design. For some reason.
I know the pain, look at my bosses :( And I didn't even raid for the past 2 weeks cause I'm tired of this @%** and I'm looking at moving over to Rift. I have seen ONE piece of spell leather dropped and a newbie to our raiding group rolled higher than me...
Yeah I just don't see how the game so desperately needs bosses randomly dropping stuff that no one in raid needs, when people still need gear. The RNG is just bound to make the experience miserable for those with bad luck.

Yes, there's valor point vendors that are supposed to provide the backup gear for those who don't get lucky, but the people who get no drops still feel like crap.

I don't see the real need for that.

When the system chooses drops, it should be a two-phase process where it first considers just the pieces that might be upgrades for the raid members, for some liberal definition of "upgrade", and only then goes random and drops random stuff if there's nothing in the loot table that "should" drop.
If you have terribly bad luck such as myself, you may want to refrain from actually looking at the loot tables. There for you get pleasantly surprised rather than dissapointed every run.

Examples of my luck:

In Wrath: Farmed enough badges for the 2 pc badge set t7 before I had my first epic drop off the last boss of any heroic 5 man instance.

Current: Have not had a single piece of pvp or pve gear drop when it was still relevant from VoA or BH. (one time I did get a drop i used, but I was actually going to replace it the following week anyways).

Started doing Heroic Loot Ship from ICC on April 13. Didn't see a heroic Sack of Wonder drop until 2 weeks before Cata hit.

In TotC, we killed Anub either the 1st or 2nd week he was available. Took 3 months of farming to get the heroic legs and chest to drop off the first two heroic bosses in ToTC.

Saw the Arp Stave drop off the LK one time out of all the kills (it dropped 3x for our guild though), with our first kill coming on April 9.

Had ONE Lotrafen Spear of the Damned (arp stave off of Gen Vezax) and 3 the feral druid relics (off of Gen Vezax also) drop during the entire time we were in ulduar, and we killed Gen Vez fairly quickly.

And the list goes on like this.
You all raise a good point about the random number generator; it truly hasn't been on my side. What's with the RNG applied to loot, anyway? Why are we still getting drops for classes that aren't even in the raid, some odd five years after the days of it happening in Molten Core? Tonight was a prime example; we got a whole bunch of mail with intellect on it, and no Shaman in the raid to collect it.

Why hasn't a simple algorithm yet been implemented to prevent this from happening? Killing bosses is fun the first few times around, but when you routinely kill them for months with nearly nothing to show for it, it becomes incredibly aggravating. Nobody plays a game for its aggravation factor.

Initially, though, my post was just a rant out of frustration of what I've seen in these two months of raiding, combined with my assessment of the loot tables: when broken down into a core of tanks, healers, casters, and melee DPS, the healers are getting the shaft on loot, and resto druids are at the bottom of the pile. (To be a little less biased, since there are three cloth-wearing intellect/spirit users, Priests are enjoying a more-than-fair share of the proceeds.)
I like this new 'fewer' loots available system Blizzard is using. It's essentially the same as how it's always worked since there has only ever been 1 BiS item for each of your slots. Now with Reforging they don't really need to give you the option to get other items.

Essentially it (theoretically) means less sharding useless loot and a higher chance for useful loot to drop.

In practice however we've found only having 1 hunter means we have enough Maelstrom's to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool.

C'est la vie!
Manacles of the Sleeping Beast = Chimaeron /BWD
Helm of the Blind Seer = Atramedes /BWD

Both of these seem to drop every week for my guild. We have DE'd them so many times,it isn't funny.

I wish those dropped every week for us. =[
Yes, good post. I have yet to see a single resto druid item drop in 6 weeks of raiding. Not a single drop....
The boss drop loot system has always been the worst part about wow imo. Pretty terrible system. I devote 3 hours of my time only to see gear drop usually that no one needs. I got news for you Blizz, if I got all the gear I needed in one night I'd STILL play your game. I swear, I'm not sure what's goin on with Blizzard lately. We get hot fixes every few days, an endless nerf/buff patch cycle and escort quests that still don't work (really, how hard is it to design a working escort quest??). It's like they have no idea how to balance the game anymore.
And now? More druid nerfs.
For the first time in almost 6 years of playing wow, I'm starting to see the end. I'd like to try Rift but no trial?? Not sure I want to spend $50 to demo a game.

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