Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mushrooms vs Roots

[:1]The Moonkin has been given a new tool to play with, the instant Mushroom, but has been stripped of their instant entangling roots glyph, as, in my opinion, a trade off. However, those instant mushrooms aren't as useful to us against classes we need to silence. I can't root a decent caster anymore, not when it's casted. They see it coming, figure I will Solar Beam right after, and either interrupt my cast or dispel themselves immediately afterwards and simply avoid the silence altogether, or force me to recast roots.

It's pathetic really, because I now only root when i have Nature's Grasp, otherwise it's not exactly productive. I defended the mushroom buff before hand, but I didn't take into account the buff would make my silence as easy to escape as simply walking out of it. A character with no movement increasing effects can step just outside the area of my silence before a roots is casted, glyphed or not. It's useless now. A 2 second silence on a minute cooldown isn't exactly life threatening. So Blizzard, you wanted to give Moonkins a more viable approach to arenas, am I right?

Fungal Growth: When your Treants die or your Wild Mushrooms are triggered, you spawn a Fungal Growth at its wake covering the area within 8 yards, slowing all enemy targets by 50%. Lasts 20 sec.

I propose this idea to the changes of this talents. Remove the Treants portion of it; it's useless and quiet frankly, not even worth mention when Treants are on a 3 minute cooldown. Replace that portion with a root buff. The name of the talent makes sense with roots, it will be appealing to get since it will help the Moonkins control and kiting, and it will still virtually remain a PvP talent only Moonkins will have access to. so, how exactly can you guys buff this without it being overkill on roots? Without people complaining about our rooting effects? You guys can number crunch it to be when fully talented into it, the cast time of entangling roots will be 0.7, glyphed 0.5, with a 10 second cooldown, and will not be affected by haste once talented. All Moonkin roots will be 0.5 second cast talented and glyphed, no matter the haste value of the player.

This root buff will still make us stop and cast it, meaning it's not the most mobile snare in the game, is on a 10 second cooldown, which is plenty of time for a melee to close distances previously acquired by the moonkin, but will still give the moonkin enough space to breath for a few seconds and kite without roots being completely useless, and gives us back a decent silence against casters and a good snare against pets.

Anyone else agree?
I like how other so called moonkins loved that we don't have the cheesez insta roots anymore because moonkins are face rollingers as it is but our nice silence spell needs that insta root to be a nice spell in the first place. :/

So last laugh on the Op boomies :3

Maybe cyclone the caster first and then set a shroom under it and time it just right....lot of set up there but it could work.


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Just as some honest feedback, I think the spell is...ok. Kind of fun to stare at for a few mins...drop the mushroom...make it pop...yay.

ok enough of that.

Feedback for the devs:

The spell is essentially worthless for all but the carpel-tunnel immune. I can't spare 2 keybinds for a spell that takes 5 seconds of manipulating target circles to get placed.

I don't care about the slow...except maybe on the Magmaw fight where I can anticipate where the mobs will be. Even then, by the time I place 3 mushrooms theres frost traps, mage freezes, dk slows, etc. better to just pop starfall and drop a hurricane.

No point to this at all.

In pvp...I don't know I'm usually too busy dying to place mushrooms and i suck anyway, but if i had a third hand I might be able to manage running away and dropping mushrooms behind me.

Final Verdict: decent aoe, fun and interesting spell animations and use, overall usefullness very low (2 talent points and 2 keybinds for one spell?), overall difficulty of use is almost impossible.

Back to the spell book with you!

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