Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well we all knew it was coming and now that its here it makes me even more sad about it. My druid feels so insignificant atm. I barely broke 5k tanking which I know dps doesn't matter but it sure helps with threat. I feel our aoe threat is gonna be that much worse. Oh well sad sad day for the druid class. GG Blizz shows my why my mage alt since bc has always been the superior class, still not gonna play it though! You will not win this battle We will shine once again!! Now do what you always do realize you fooked the class and buff/fix us!!

ps. Arena blows get rid of it, and stop trying to balance the game around it!

ps. Arena blows get rid of it, and stop trying to balance the game around it!


ps. Arena blows get rid of it, and stop trying to balance the game around it!

Generally the players who don't pvp or lack the skill to do so would say something like this.

Would it be fair for a pvp player to say "PvE blows, get rid of it!"? Not really.

People play this game for different reasons. PvP is more challenging so therefore I enjoy it more. Granted some aspects of it aren't very balanced, but the dynamics of it always keep you on your toes. You never know what your enemy will do.
I never said pvp blows get rid of it, I said arena. Since arena came out blizz started balancing the game around arena and certain comps.
I run heroics with a pally averaging 7-8k dps, sometimes spiking 12-18k.

So I'm not impressed by your 5k dps as bear, and don't understand why that bear dps needs a nerf.

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