Thursday, April 19, 2012

Druid Healing...

To the folks that make the "Blue Posts" and read these forums I wanted to say thank you. I have posted previously (only a couple of times) about the mechanics of Druid healing. I was extremely frustrated as a resto druid at the beginning of Cata and for weeks after as well.

I have been a resto druid for a long time. I healed back in vanilla so I was actually excited about the changes that were impending with healing in general. When i started out with my druid mana conservation and "smart healing" were a must. This was in large part to the limits of gear with the stats as we have today. It was good to see we would have to think to heal instead of "mashing" buttons while watching TV.

Sadly, once I reached 85 and some time after I became so frustrated with healing that I began running heroics as kitty dps in an effort to get JPs and gear that I could pick up along the way to improve my stats. I thoroughly expected it to be a challenge since I have played so long but this was beyond challenging. The cost of heals was way too high and the amount healed was nearly insignificant considering the amount of damage dealt in our new heroics.

I am happy to say that I have noticed some apparent changes that have been made through some hotifixes and I am very pleased with some of the changes coming in 4.0.6. I have never really posted on these forums but I was so frustrated that I felt I needed to try to do something to be hopefully be heard (as well as many other druids).

I know that it has to be difficult reading so many posts that give so much negativity and harshness and my posts were in no way like that though I did understand where the many that did post were coming from.

With that being said, thank you for listening to us. Thank you for the subtle changes that have happened and I look forward to the changes coming in 4.0.6.

P.S. Any estimated idea of when the big patch will happen?

Thanks again,
my main is an 85 druid, and i have to say when i first started healing cata i was soo frustrated..
I love it now tho.

the main problem I had was the wrath mentality..

its not wrath, and like every exspansion you have to basically re-learn the game.

Now i use all the heals that are there for me, and its a lot more fun, and no more oom.

The hotfix for rejuve helped a TON in raids, but gear made healing a lot better.

In 333 blues, healing heroics was genuinely difficult. I would lose tanks if they didn't use cool-downs in certain situations, and would often have to allow a DPS to die to keep the tank up either because of low mana or high damage.

in 346 blues, healing was remarkably better, tanks were easier to keep alive, and I could more easily rescue DPS that got caught in something.

Now, with a good mix of epic 359s along with the 346 gear, 5-mans are not hard, and by managing my innervate and trinkets properly I am able to crank out a large amount of healing without really being in danger of running out of mana.

Right now-- healing is good. I'm just a little concerned that once we're in full epics a couple tiers down the road we'll just revert back to Lich King raids where increased boss difficulty is just him destroying the tank in 2 swings and blasting the entire raid for 90% of their health every 20 seconds.
ha yeah, actually I've seen some pretty bad ass shamans.

I just find that you see a lot of druids with bad stats for heroics.
if your a casual player that's fine, reforge everything you can to haste and you'll just awesome.

And according to some interesting stats from world of logs a lot of druids are not using nourish.. if you have 2 hots on someone already wild growth and a rejuvenation it heals for quite a bit. and I'm a moron so it took me forever to figure out how to rotate efflorescence in. And when i get my clear casting i throw up a regrowth or another greater heal.

But what gets me right now is that my paladin, is mostly in 333 gear and a few pieces of 346 ( my druid is in full 346 and 359 ) and I can heal the face off my druid. without even casting a heal heh. I just melee my ass off, beacon the tank and spam light of dawn on the party and since every person healed by LoD heals my beacon target its soo op.

Like on magmaw, all i do is crusdader strike judge holy shock a tank, divine light something from my speed buff, spam LoD.. 12- >14k heals win.

but if you having problems.. healing on a paladin, get your melee on and you'll never go oom doing heroics. unless you have dps below like 9k then the fights take too long. not that has any thing to do with druid healing,

I never found it terribly difficult, and now think its a snooze fest once I have some heroics gear.

I feel like we druids have had it a lot better than the rest of the healers (maybe not pallies). When I dabbled in tanking I know that shaman seemed to have the most trouble with their mana, priests just behind them.

It just feels like people weren't used to Cataclysm healing, and it was dubbed "hard" when really it deserved the title of "different."
Whoever reported your post , I hope they are hit by a flaming aids infested tractor trailer tomorrow when they're taking their morning dump.
I actually enjoy healing in Cata. At first it was difficult but like stated earlier equipment really helped. My only one complaint is if in Heroics your group starts to take alot of damage as a whole, I find it extremely difficult to keep anyone from dying without popping Tranq. and sometimes that doesnt even help.

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