Thursday, April 12, 2012

has any feral solo'd mag

[:1]i mean reallllllllllllllly
And if so, how?
Yes. Cat Spec + DPS gear + bleed up a mob + Bear Form Berserk on offtargets should get 2-3 mobs down. The heals will go to the bleeding mob, and the Berserk victims should ideally be dying quickly after that is healed. If you get a couple mobs down, you can easily survive to the next Berserk. And sometimes you get lucky and are able to kill a mob without Berserk.
Do it on both my ferals now. Just have to get kick quick kills on the initials adds and it's smooth sailing from there in Cat Form.
Have every week for at least the last 6. Tank spec, tank gear. Bear form the whole 15-20 minutes.

So the key here is to get those channelers down asap. okie dokie

except for the guy above me, how do you kill it in just bear form

hey @#!#*@@s post a !##*ing video or some !#*@ because this aint working. the best i can do is kill 1 and get 1 to like a breaths away from death before oh !#*@ its healed back to full

so i will take this chance to call you all big fat phonies
So the key here is to get those channelers down asap. okie dokie

except for the guy above me, how do you kill it in just bear form

hey @#!#*@@s post a !##*ing video or some !#*@ because this aint working. the best i can do is kill 1 and get 1 to like a breaths away from death before oh !#*@ its healed back to full

so i will take this chance to call you all big fat phonies
Calling us out for lying is a GREAT way to get advice.

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